Welcome to the Vinyl District
The Hollywood Vinyl District - a new name that reflects the heritage of one of Hollywood’s most historic neighborhoods.
Surrounded by Hollywood and Sunset Boulevard, between Schrader Boulevard and Gower Street,
the District lies just outside of Hollywood’s main tourist district, yet feels worlds away. The Hollywood Vinyl District is intended to offer a fresh perspective on the cultural and historical heart of the music industry, inspired by music legends, artists and innovators who have long graced its streets.
Hollywood Vinyl District is at the heart of the revitalization of Hollywood where new world-class hotels,
restaurants and electrifying nightlife are at home beside favorite local merchants and restauranteurs and celebrated
entertainment landmarks. Though it recognizes Hollywood’s iconic past, the Hollywood Vinyl District is envisioned as a neighborhood for L.A.’s next generation—the new artists, professionals, entrepreneurs, and creatives seeking an immersive and eclectic environment to live, work and create.



The community meeting on 1/12/22 was held on zoom due to rising corona virus cases in the area.